Sunday, July 1, 2018

Is Mt. Rushmore a Big Deal?

I had talked to many people over the course of the last year about our trip, and many people said it would be cool to see Mt. Rushmore.  Most had not been.  The few that had had mixed reviews on whether it was something cool, or just a rock carving.  And I think it truly is through each person's eyes what they see and how they feel when they are there.

Through my eyes, Diana's Eyes and Frankie's Eyes we are here to say that Mt. Rushmore was an amazing sight, quite a feat of engineering and made us reflect on the amazing leadership that has lead this country through some of the most difficult times that occurred in our young country's history.

Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, larger than life, are looking down on all the land.  Frankie decided to become a Jr. Ranger here as well and we had to watch the video about the creation and conception of Mt. Rushmore.  The time and effort that went into this carving was the long game.  It took so long that the head of the project died before it was finished.

I wont recommend that you visit...because your experience will be different than mine.  Different from your neighbor and even your friends.  But if you go in with on open mind, no matter what you think of the carvings, you can walk away with some more information and a bit more appreciation of the presidents that are honored on Mt. Rushmore.

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