Thursday, June 21, 2018

10 Random Observations/Moments

Good Day to all the blog readers!

Yesterday (last Saturday) we spent a very long day driving into Yellowstone, so today(Last Sunday) we took a day of rest to shower (yes, that doesn't happen every night on a trip like this!)  and do some much needed laundry!  So here are 10 random observations, facts and moments from the trip so far! (in no particular order)

10.  When we crossed into Wisconsin from Illinois I was greeted with a sign, "Welcome to Wisconsin, roadwork next 46 miles"  While long, it was not terrible for a roadwork area, and it was good seeing roads improved!

9. A hot shower at Fishing bridge RV Park in Yellowstone costs $4.43.  2 Showers per day are included when staying there... Frankie was free!

8. It is 343 miles or so to drive across North Dakota.  In Pennsylvania, the Turnpike is 358 miles or so.  Now the turnpike does take this long upward loop around Pittsburgh and into Ohio, but it is crazy to think mileage wise it is shorter across North Dakota.  Both do have one thing in common....a lot of nothing to see on the drive!

7. Frankie is an amazing travel buddy and great co-pilot!  She has enjoyed sitting up front and watching the world go by!

6. The best meal we eat while camping is our homemade chili.

5. We were greeted by a Bison when we entered Yellowstone...what a great welcoming party!

4. When we arrived in Yellowstone, we found a truck parked in our spot.  It was from the lady next to us.  She tried to talk her way into keeping it there...she failed and she moved her truck.

3. 1000 miles in 2 days in an RV was not a good idea, wasn't overly fun, and will be remembered when making future plans!

2. Teddy Roosevelt was an amazing man, with an amazing perspective and outlook on our nation and the importance of National Parks.  If you have time, I would suggest reading up on him!

1. One week into the trip and there have been so many great moments, a few bumps along the way, a couple of WTF moments, but in the end, it has been about fun and new adventure and that is what our our little family loves!

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