Sunday, June 10, 2018

Getting some sightseeing in!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday's drive from Pittsburgh to Toledo was very usual, and not much to report  The drive went well, there was rain to be had, but we did get a chance to take a quick jump in the pool!

Today's trip was a very shot one, just going from Toledo to South Bend.  This was the planned stop because how can you drive by South Bend and not see The University of Notre can't right?  So after a quick drive this morning, we pulled into our campground around Noon and grabbed an Uber at 130 to head over to Notre Dame.  We braved the rain, as it has been raining here for 7 days straight!  But once we arrived at Notre Dame, the skies parted and sun shone down on us as Frankie and I spent an hour and a half walking the campus, then of course getting some ND Swag!  The campus, the people and of course standing outside of the football stadium were the highlight of the day!  I had spent last night watching Rudy to get ready for the visit today.  I will return again to either see a game in person, or take a tour of the stadium.  Until then, I stood drooling outside the gate, the field in the distance.  Please enjoy the pictures!!  Tomorrow will just be another day of driving, so I will post either tomorrow or Tuesday!  Hope it was a good weekend and stay dry everyone!

A Few Items of interest:

1. Yesterday, I saw a van broken down on the said "Reliable Shuttle Service"

2. Frankie is a great travel buddy

3. The Campground today gave us free cookies...very nice touch!

4. Holy Bumpy Roads Batman!!  I don't know where Indiana is spending their toll road dollars, but it certainly isn't to maintain the road....I thought we were going to lose our car  right off the dolly today!  I am not looking forward to the 77 miles or so to get out of the state tomorrow!

5. Thank you Ohio for your great turnpike road!

6. I also watched Sneakers last that movie!

 My Co-Pilot!

Hello Ohio!


Lunch Break!

 Team Kevin Harvick at the Rest Stop

Indiana welcomes us, rain and all!

Waiting for the Uber


Doing some art appreciation


Helmet Display


"Running" Off to College already!


Beautiful Campus


The Basilica


Mestrovic Pieta



Cardinal O'Hara's Burial site


Main Building

The Grotto

 Lighting a candle for Baba

Main Building




Outside the Hesburgh Library: The "Word of Life" Mural



Notre Dame Stadium


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