Friday, June 8, 2018

On The Road

Well today was the day!!

Frankie and  officially hit the road today, with our destination of Yellowstone National Park in out sights!....well maybe not in our actual sights, but we are 256 miles closer!  As you can see in the picture below, Frankie was able to join me up front so she could enjoy the view and fun!

We made it exactly 20 miles before we were stopping to use the bathroom facilities! LOL!!  I do not want Frankie walking around the RV on her own.  So after that hiccup, we made good time, stopped for a nice lunch break and then hit the road again.

So for those who don't know, driving an RV is like driving a brick down the road.  Towing a car behind adds a whole other level of driving.  So because of this it is ill advised to go more then 70mph.  Honestly, that is a bit too much of living on the edge, so we cruise around 60-65mph.  Needless to say, we are not winning any races, but it came across today, a little more than other days, that this trip, this drive, is not about rushing.  It is about seeing. The heads are not buried in a phone, the outside isn't zipping by, and even time at a rest stop, often rushed, was a bit slower today.  And that was great today.  Tomorrow will be more of the same, and everyday after on this trip.  Maybe it can even continue after that..... In the words of the great Ferris Bueller,
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "

So today was a good first leg of a trip...2 stops, 1 gas stop, and arrived at the campground (with a dicey park job!!) and 250 miles or so, in the books!!  Tonight Frankie had leftover Pizza for dinner and I had homemade Chili.  We unpacked all our bags we could not unpack before, watched some Loud House (Love this show!) and read books before Frankie crashed at 730!  I have included a video Frankie did today to show what kind of fun is being had already!  I am heading to bed soon... and 11-1 Phillies game (with them losing) wont keep my eyes open long!  Tomorrow we head another 250 miles or so to Toledo, Ohio.  I will post tomorrow or Sunday!  Keep an eye out and remember, take a moment this weekend and slow it down.  See how much more is there when you do!

Cruising down the road!

Butterfly or was all white in color...HELP!

Frankie and the scenery!

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