Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Whirlwind 3 Days

Greetings my Blog Readers!!!

It has been quite the three days, and I apologize for the delay in posting!  I will resume back at Monday morning when we tried to leave South Bend.  For those who are not familiar with Rv's, we have what they call a "Slide."  This slide moved out, sticks out the side of the RV to create more room inside.  So Monday morning roll around and I start to pull the side in, and it only comes in halfway!!!  So now I am stuck.  I have no idea why the side will not work nor any way to remedy the situation.  So I left messages for 4 different RV repair services at 10am.  Finally at 145pm, one arrived to the campground.  There was a great deal of poking around, trying different things, until we found the issue.  Now, this is where my "The simplest answer is probably right" had left me completely and I did not try the answer right in front of me.  The RV had become unlevel over the course of the night, and the slide would not close because of that.  So a lot of time and a few bucks later, we were finally on the road to Wisconsin Dells!

We arrived late into the Dells on Monday night, and of course the KOA there is awesome and the town of Wisconsin Dells seems very cool too.  So I pulled an audible and changed our reservations.  We were supposed to spend 2 nights in Minneapolis, and instead decided to spend the extra night in the Dells instead.  A good description is Myrtle Beach meets Niagara Falls meets Northern Exposure.  Franke was quite excited by this because they had a playground and pool with a small water play feature as well!!

Tuesday the sun came up on a glorious day!  We started off with air hockey in the game room, time at the playground, then we walked down to the town to partake in some Mini Golf.  On the 2nd Hole, Frankie took a spill that reminded me of other famous falls that some family and friends have taken.  She tripped over the brick coping around the green.   The ball went flying and was never recovered and the club went flying as well!  Frankie ended up with a good scrape/bruise on her shin, and some tears, but she continued on and finished her 18 holes, with my golf ball!  LOL!

 We then grabbed lunch and headed to the Dells Lumberjack show.  This was a lot of fun for us and we got to see some pretty lumberjack competition.  Frankie had the chance, along with other kids, to actually use the 2 person saw!  She also got picked for the YO HO competition, which is what we yelled for our team!  She also got a wood  "Cookie" that they had cut in the competition, and all the lumberjacks signed for her.  While our team of 2 didn't win, we had a lot of fun cheering them on!  It was a highlight for sure!

Frankie sawing away!

YO HO!!!

Frankie and Willie

Once that wrapped it was back for some quality pool time, more playground time, some more air hockey and dinner.  After a disastrous Monday, Tuesday was much needed and well spent!

Today we left the Dells and headed NW to Minneapolis!  It was a quick 3 1/2 hour drive and after a stop for some food, we arrived at the campground.  To Frankie's delight, there were monkey bars at the playground!  We quickly hooked up and headed over.  After 20 min, we had monkey bar blisters and had to return for some first aid.  We then hopped a ride to the Mall of America,

I had been to the Mall of America 18 years ago, and I must say that I love the renovations that have been done since.  I wish we had more time, but we made the best with Frankie riding the swings, small coaster and a "Kid" free fall, each 2 times.

She won a prize at the games and was a happy camper!  We added to our Piggy and Gerald Books (fantastic reads, if you like pig and elephant humor)  and then went to meet Mommy with the Crazy Hair at the airport.  We found her, thank goodness, and we all rode back!

It has been a very busy, crazy and exciting 3 days.  It is never a good trip to you have a few stories under your belt!  Hope all is well, where ever you are reading this!  I am not sure what our connectivity or availability will be over the next week or so.   We should have some connection the next day or 2 (fingers crossed) but we are staying literally in the middle of Yellowstone and I am not sure what the internet will be.  So Please be patient with posts as I am not sure when the next ones will be!  Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

 Hello Wisconsin!

The welcome bear at Mc Donalds

The Butterfly bench at the playground!

Minnesota comes calling!

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