Monday, June 4, 2018

We are heading West!

Good Day to all of our Blog readers!

Stacy here, and we are just 3 days away from Frankie and I taking to the road and heading to our ultimate destination of Yellowstone National Park and Mt. Rushmore! There are many stops to be had, places and people to see, and lots and lots of roads to drive!  Diana and I blogged our trip to Hawaii and Australia back in 2011, and may people were excited to hear we would be hitting the blog once again!  Feel free to read our previous blog if you want!

So we will be heading out in our Class A RV, towing Diana's tiny car behind us and Diana will be joining us on day 5 of the trip, in Minneapolis.  Over the course of the next month, I will post happenings, sights, stories, hopefully pictures, and some fun and random facts.  The next 3 days will be filled with food prep, laundry, packing and making sure our ride is ready to hit the road.  Feel free to comment, ask questions or even make crazy requests!  We are happy that you are joining us on this trip and we hope you enjoy the posts!  Remember to get out there and see what the US and the world has to offer, and I hope we can provide a little inspiration to get you moving and shaking!  The next post will be Thursday night!  Happy Last day of school tomorrow to Frankie and her classmates!
Our Rig
Frankie on a camping trip from February

Frankie at the campground playground in May


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to "ride along"! Safe travels. Love you,!

  2. Thanks Aunt Peachy! I hope you enjoy the ride! Xoxo!
