Thursday, June 21, 2018

Teddy Roosevelt National Park

Hello Readers out there!  I am so sorry for the delay and lag in posts!  Last week, on Wednesday night, Diana flew into Minneapolis to meet us on the trip.  The next day, last Thursday, we drive a very long way (just over 500 miles) from Minneapolis to Medora, North Dakota and into Teddy Roosevelt National Park, where we stayed at Cottonwood Campground.  We had zero connectivity at the campground.  It was nestled in the valley between two mountain ridges, and our RV had zero electric, water, or sewer.  So needless to day, the posts were unable to occur.  We then headed to Yellowstone right from Teddy Roosevelt, and again, zero connectivity.  But I am here to save the day!  I will post up a few blogs tonight and another few tomorrow to play catch up!  Enjoy the reading!

So like I said, we have headed from Minneapolis to Medora, ND and spent 2 nights at the Cottonwood Campground in Teddy Roosevelt National Park.  A little background on the park...this is where Roosevelt fell in love with nature and the west.  He also found solitude there after his mother and wife died on the same day.  He had a small cabin and a small ranch on the grounds.  I must say that I have been to a few national parks, but this one, while not grand, majestic or very well known, was one of the most awe inspiring and powerful, moving, places that I have been.  There was something in this land, a feeling that cannot be explained.  I felt it driving around, waking down trails and watching the wildlife move so freely.  There were few people in the park, which helped with this experience, but there is something in those grounds, in the air, that really made you feel like you were somewhere very special.

On our trip through the park we saw Prairie Dogs, Bison, wild horses and a lone rabbit on the trail.  I have included some of the pics, although they don't do justice to them or the moment.  The canyons, the river, the trees and the rock features were magnificent.   We had a chance to do some small hikes as well, which was great to get off the main path of travel.  Overall, a great spot, a great hidden gem in the park service and a great 2 nights in a great park!  Saturday we will be up early to drive another almost 500 miles into Yellowstone!

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