Thursday, June 28, 2018

Our final day in Yellowstone

Greetings Blog Readers!

Last week (on Wednesday) we had our final day of touring in Yellowstone.  This morning was a very special day as Frankie became an official Junior Ranger of Yellowstone!  She had to attend one ranger led program, complete a hike and then do 8 pages in her Ranger Manual!  We are so proud of her!  On our drive today, we headed North, out and out of the park to see the North entrance, The Roosevelt Arch and Mammoth Hot Springs.  Here are just a few pics of our day and a few tidbits to go along with it!  Enjoy the pics!

Our Junior Ranger!

Frankie receiving her official patch!

The Family at Mammoth Hot Springs

Baby Elk

A Baby Bear playing, with Mom close by, I am sure!

Coyote just hanging on the road!

Roosevelt Arch

The New Junior Ranger ready to take charge!

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